"What do you miss the most?"

I lost count of the times I've been asked what I miss the most since I've been here. It is so easy to say "My Family, my Boyfriend, my Friends!" but I realized that it is not really the people I miss but the way they affected my daily life and the little things. I don't miss my mom, I miss hugging her every morning, I miss eating breakfast with my Brother even though he is the worst morning person ever.
You learn how to appreciate the little things people do when you are not around the anymore.
I miss my Dog ignoring me and greeting my boyfriend instead of me.
I miss laying in in the morning and my mom coming in to wake me up by cuddeling me
I miss my friend randomly coming by because something crazy happened to him and he needs to talk.
I miss singing at the top of my loungs not caring that my brother probably wants to kill me right now.
I miss my babysitter kids running towards me for a hug while screaming my name.
I miss playing online games all night long with my friends.
I miss hearing my dad playing the guitar downstairs.
I miss my parents complaining about the amount of laundry they have to do.

My mom is only a skype call away, but a hug is 5000km away.

But now that I realized it I will appreciate those things even more when I come back. My dog greeting my boyfriend even more will not make me jealous anymore (okay still a little bit) but make me smile because that is just him. Next time I will hear my dad playing his guitar downstairs I won't just shut my dor close but probably hold on for a few minutes and just listen and appreciate that I am home.
And I know that as soon as I come back home I will miss the things that I had here!
Things like taking Emma out for a walk and stopping at the amazing viewpoints of the Charles River

