5 Ways to pick yourself back up

You might be thinking "what does she know? She is only 18 and was living her dream in america!", but when I came home I had nothing that was the slightest start of a future plan. I was thrown into the deep depths of an existential crisis that kept me awake at night and tired during the day.
My plan to be an Au Pair in America for a year and figure out what I want to do with my life basically failed after 3 Months, so what now? For me a year worth of thinking about my future was just takedn away in an instant. So after I took a week off to figure out what happened to my back make sure that my it is somewhat healed, I picked myself backup and figured something out and it worked.


1. Get up

You could also call it go out. For me it has allways been important to go out and explore my surroundings. There are still parts of the nearby forrest that I havent explored yet and it is definitely on my bucket list to go out and see these. There is no point in staying in bed all day, eating ice cream and drown in self pity while you watch New Girl, believe me I've been there (I also realised that I can't deny specific similarities between me and Jess). But from the moment that I decided to put on my shoes and go out to get the groceries for my mom on it started to get better. To me the day suddenly had a meaning and then a sudden wave of Tatendrang ( german for Thirst for action, the german word is way to fitting here) overcame me and I started cleaning up my room and redecorating it, walking the dog, wandering through the city looking through the widows and asking shop owners if they need a temporary worker.

2. Daydream

Yes I told you you should get back up and stop watching amazon prime or netflix all day, but I live by the general rule to never stop daydreaming! Picturing me in 5 years somewhat helped me to figure out what I want to do with my life (after it shoved me back into the worst existential crisis I've had so far). I realised that I want to make people happy, do something for them and have a job that I can do anywhere, so being an Eventmanager popped up into my mind and I read up about it and decided to give it a shot.

3. Create deadlines and stay busy

As soon as I decided to give it a shot I needed to apply to different businesses in order to fulfill my dream, so I did. I created deadlines to motivate me and actually write and send my applications as soon as possible. By creating deadlines you actually put yourself under pressure, there is noone to disappoint but yourself. It helped me to stay busy, I put down what I need to do and when I am going to do it on a weekly planner and worked my way through my daily to do list, after that I allowed myself to fall back into bed with ice cream and watch New Girl (Or "Lie to me" it's awesome, if you need something to watch that might be the show you are looking for).
You can aslo create a goal that motivates you. For me that would be to visit my boyfriend in New Zealand. That means I have to find a job and work as soon as possible. And believe me searching for a job is more work that you might think.

4. Have Breaks

For me a typical break is to be the absolute girl that I am usually not. Especially after my boyfriend left for New Zealand and I was clueless what to do with my future I cried, a lot. And it was not the pretty kind of crying, I layed in bed, cuddled up to my best friend or mom and made weird whaling noises while letting everything out, there was no stopping me once I started crying. But it was okay, everyone understood and three days later I was fine. Of course I miss him, but I realised there is no point in crying over him.  A break can be anything, a walk, a nap, a good video game or netflix. 

5. Write it down

If you start writing a blog or a diary. Have something to remember you how you've struggled in the beginning and how far you made it today. Reading my diary entries from two weeks ago when I was clueless and a little bit desperate regarding my future motivtes me simply because I now see how far only two weeks have taken me. Furthermore it is a great way to reflect on your day and feelings  and is a form of an emotional outlet (screaming in the middle of the forrest from the top of your loungs with your brother is also kind of stress relieving and clears your mind, I agree it is weird and I felt awkward doing it, but in the end it was and I felt pretty awesome).  

If you have more tips or questions (about anything it doesn't matter if it is something related to the post, something Au Pair related or something completely different). Feel free to leave it in the comments below or reach out to me on my social media (links can be found in the top bar). 

And as allways:
Have a great weekend and an awesome Halloween (it is approaching slowly but steady)!

Love: Kiki
