My Third and Last Month as an Au Pair in Boston

First of all, sorry for the lack of posts in the past month, I have been a super busy mess running from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what is wrong with my back!
So here is the whole story!
A six weeks ago I fell down the steps carrying the one year old down stairs directly onto my back. Since then I was in pain carrying and lifting her. When my boyfriend came to visit he pushed me to go and see a doctor because there might be something seriously wrong with my back. After a few doctors visits and nothing to be found I decided to go back home and see the doctors I trust.
So I flew back home with my boyfriend in the end of September. The Doctors finally figured out what I have and came up with a treatment plan that does not involve any kind of surgery. Since I am back home I am trying to figure out what to do now, I guess the first thing will be to find a job and as soon as I earned enough and my back is healed I can go back to traveling, but this time not as an Au Pair, not for a whole year at least.
All in all I can say that my adventure truly was adventurous but now I am looking forward to travelling different places, My Au Pair adventure might be over, but my Travel Adventure is not finished yet!

That's it for my little catchup post!
I hope you all had a good month and a good start into university!

If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below!
Have a good weekend
Love: Kiki
