New Years Resolutions 2016

2015 has flown by in a haze and it was one of the most exciting, scary and amazing years I've had so far.
I've decided to not go with the flow and start the new year with the whole "New Year - New Me"-crap. Let's face it, if you try to change yourself completely this year and  you want to work out everyday and stop eating chocolate and sweets right now you are going to maybe push that through for a month before you end up eating chocolate ice cream watching hating yourself.
Rather than setting myself up for failure once again I decided to dedicate this year to my happiness (there will be a whole post about that theme coming up soon). Yes it does sound a little weird but I jumped onto blogilates theme of the year! 2016 is my year to grow!
Over the past week I've been thinking about things that make me happy and things I want to achieve this year.

Get moving

Oh no! Who would have thought that?! Yes just like any other women I decided to get physically active and improve my body. But other then most overly motivated women I did not buy a membership in as gym or got a personal trainer. I signed up to , printed out the monthly workout calender and promised myself to do at least one workout a day. Now her videos are amazing and I usually end up doing 3 or more then that. And the best thing? You need nothing but your matt and some motivation, it is completely free!

get yours here x!

Eat somewhat clean

I am not going to go ahead and say that I am not going to eat any more chocolate (Common, who am I to say this?!). But I will try to eat more fruits, so instead of eating sugary sweets at work I will snack on a pear or an apple. But if I am really craving chocolate I am going to eat it. I am trying to give my body the foods he needs. But restrikting yourself from something is never the right way.

Read more books

In the last past month I have completed a list of nearly 40 books that I want to read and I found an odd kind of pleasure finishing books, feeling like I've learned through living an fictional characters life. The parallels you can draw into your personal daily life is just faszinating to me. Sitting in my comfty chair with an amazing book and delicious tee is the perfect way to destress after a long day of work.

Sing more

Closing my eyes and just letting the music flow through my body is one of the most moving things in life. I don't really care about how I sound and if other people like it. To me singing is a perfekt way to let out your feelings and forget everything around me.So0metimes all you need is sit down, close your eyes and let your mind wander while listening to musik. With me singing feels like telling a story, kind of living the songs emotions. If you'd only know how often I cried while singing James Bay let it go feeling totaly free afterwards.
