Milford Sound and Key summit

The other day we drove from Te Anau to Milford sound to take a cruize into the sound (which was awesome). We decided to make a few stops during the drive, as always.

Key Summit Walk

The Key Summit Walk is an hour away from Milford sound and definitely the climb worth. We spend a few hours exploring the mountain and the top. There is a moor up on the summit, which I found really interesting and Matt so exciting that he decided to go in and get his feet wet... 

The summit had awesome views, you are still surrounded by mountains, yet you can let your gaze wander!

It was so fun to watch the reflections in the pond that is a mirror pond in the right weather conditions.

The clouds got stuck in the mountains which was quite interesting to watch! 

It is not coming as a surprise that the summit is quite a good space to have a picknick, right?! I called it the summit-Apple, because whenever we reached a summit we have an apple as a little refreshing treat! 

Matt spotted two Keas and fell in love with them, he spend at least an hour taking pictures of them and communicating with them which seemed to oddly work. 

The walk itself was really good maintained and the wood-planks that lead over the "fragile"-area were really fun to walk for some reason.

On top is a small loop walk that leads around the summit and you can see all around the mountains! 

Mirror Lakes

When I think of Mirror Lakes I think of awkwardness and unkind people and I hate that, the place is beautiful! We went off exploring in the forest next to it to get to another lake that was even better to take a picture of when I slipped and fell onto my bum, Ha ha I know! I tried to laugh it off in front of the group of people standing on a viewing Platform. Most of them quickly checked if I was okay and continued their photographing or just smiled at me swiftly and then looked away. Which is how you do, obviously. But there was one group of German girls, laughing at me in a really mean way making me feel like crap and so embarrassed that I fell. Which is just rude and I felt so small. I usually don't! I usually stand up for myself and call people out for being unkind and make them feel bad for being unkind, because that is not how you treat other people, right? Since I am here I only met kind and friendly people and I never had to stand up for myself yet. It surprised me, that anyone would make someone feel bad here. It surprised me so much that I was speechless because of their behavior. Be kind people and the world will be a better place!

Alright enough rant, I will probably have a whole blogpost along these lines soon, for now you can read my About Me to find out more about it! 

The Mirror Lakes are a paradise for everyone who like photography!
The lake creates a perfect reflection of the mountains if you wait long enough for the perfect moment. 

Milford Sound Cruise 

We took the Jucy Cruze at 9:15 for 45$, you can book it on The cruise was around 1 1/2 hours and it was just beautiful. There were millions of small and bigger waterfalls to see! 

In the morning we were a little scared that we weren't able to see anything because of the clouds and the fog, but it gave it all just a scenic view and relaxing atmosphere!

And then we met the dramatic seal that I called George! Now George refused to look at us, he sometimes would hold up his hand as if he was saying "No pictures please"! George sure would be a good model or actor! It was so fun to watch him do his little show. George was fabulous and he definitely knew it and secretly enjoyed the attention I bet! 

When it was time to say goodbye to George we passed a roaring waterfall. The water sprayed everywhere and I fled inside. We had to wait a bit to take a picture in order to protect my camera .

Basically the picture taking went down like that: Matt was screaming "Hurry hurry OH MY GOD WE NEED A PICTURE! I paid 45$ for this, we need a proof that we saw this!!" and I was just laughing at him freaking out over a picture, but Tadaaa, we have a picture of me in front of the famous big waterfall in Milford sound and I am laughing!

When it came to the end of the Cruise I was really bummed, I loved it and could have stayed all day on that boat, the staff was so friendly! 

And that's it for today. I hope you liked my quite chatty blogpost! If you have any comments or questions (especially about the whole being kind thing and what you think about it) make sure to leave them in the comments below! 
For more pictures follow me on my Social Media, links are in the top bar!

I hope you are all having an amazing week!
Love: Kiki ♥
