The most Southern Point of New Zealand, Slope Point

No the most southern point of New Zealand is not Bluff! (It is just a bluff, ha) It actually is Slope point which is simply awesome!

The walk to get there is a 20 Minute walk on a sheep field, so you can meet a few new friends, if you treat them kindly and with respect you will be able to maybe pet them, but if you are a douchebag chasing them you will scare them for a lifetime so be a kind a nice human being! 


It is the most southern you might ever get in your life. It was a wiered feeling knowing that the next thing in this ocean in front of you is the South Pole! If you ever get the chance to get there make sure to take a few minutes and just sit down and take it all in, Miles and miles of just ocean and you, the wind blowing quite freezingly into your face and all you can smell is fresh sea air!

And that is is, the TRUE most southern point of New Zealand! If you liked it make sure to subscribe via email or Bloglovin and follow me on my social media for more pictures, links are n the top bar!
Please tell me in the comments if you have any questions or comments!

I hope you are all having an amazing weekend!
Love: Kiki
