#NoWasteJanuary Toothpaste

A few months back I ordered the Georganics Toothpaste and didn't quite like it as much as I wished to, allthough id does really clean your teeth and gets the job done excelently I still didn't like to use it.
Since it is very good for your teeth according to my dentist and made with coconut oil I decided to mix it with more coconut oil. If you are here to hear all about DIY homemade skip to the very end of this blogpost, I will be sharing my favorite recipes with you there! Also would really recommend you to buy a wooden toothbrush that won't have any plastics in it.

For my toothpaste I simply fill a small glass jar with the Georganics toothpaste half.

Mix in (in a waterbath prewarmed) Coconut oil until nearly full.

Mix well and you have a really nice toothpaste that will get your teeth clean and shiny!

Now don't get me wrong, the toothpaste is fine on its' own, it is just my own preference to mix it, because the taste is a little too intense for me. But I do strongly recommend you trying it out for yourself!

If you are here for the recipes: Here are my two favorites!

This recipe is really easy and my go to recipe when I run out of toothpaste and contains only ingredients that you already have in your kitchen closet. 

And if you are looking for something else you might want to try this recipe: 

Homemade Toothpaste


I hope you are all having an amazing week so far and enjoyed the first challenge of #NoWasteJanuary! Please consider switching out your regular toothpaste with mircro plastic beads that can kill all the fishies with a good organic one preferably coming in a reusable glass container or even make your own, it is cheap, you will save a little bit of money and do our earth a favor!

See you in a little while, 
Love: Kiki
